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Bridges is a club that takes you to one of the poorest neighbourhoods in Lima. San Juan de Miraflores is what we call a "pueblo joven", meaning young village; this district is called so because it is habited by people coming in and out from the rest of Peru to Lima and can't afford a better place to live. Eventually, this became a district with over 400,000 people who live in very low quality streets and housing. On a mountain, the neighbours struggle to live decently in houses that fall apart in tremors and earthquakes, and mobilize by walking up and down the mountain with no appropriate roads or stairs.


This is when Bridges comes in.


Bridges is a club that helps the neighbourhood by asking the community what they think is something that they need right away. They say. We do. What I like about Bridges is that they take care of the things that need to be done right away or someone who really needs it, for example: Laura. She was a pregnant woman who had to walk up the mountain, with no sta

stairs, carrying 20 litres of water every week and simply walking up, with no road, everyday from and to her job. The SJM community was concerned and told Bridges that even if many were being affected in other parts, this was the priority. If the community tells this to the municipality, they will say that there is bigger problems that impact bigger people and it will take months of tramitting and making. The municipality does it's job seeking what is best for most of the community, but Bridges helps the ones that need help now.

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