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D E E P   D I V E

1. The Deep Dive started off as a normal IA project. It consisted of choosing the problem in Lima that you were most interested about and investigating deeply about it. VERY THOROUGHLY. My original ideas were the bad nutrition amongst children and contamination, but in the end I worked on the lack of art with my partner Camila. We went on to investigate about the laws, the people in charge, the benefits, had interviews and visited places to see which of the areas of Lima was the most fit one to help in our project, by creating a solution for it.

2. We chose El Agustino, a district that has Lima's three biggest problems (delinquency, contamination and drug abuse), but has an art supporting municipality. After evaluating the types of arts that could help make the solution and solve these problems in this community, the most effective one turned out to be visual art. We came up with a plan of making a mural because it would combat delinquency by making young people with criminal parents, who are the most likely to become criminals, make the mural, and by doing this, we will prevent that. contamination by using paint that absorbs CO2 and that expels oxygen, and drug abuse by making the message behind the mural being about this same topic. For this, we met with the Municipality of El Agustino and AIRE (organization that makes murals with the paint mentioned before) and in the end put them in contact so that they would agree to make the solution happen. And they did. We put them in contact with potential sponsors to fundraise for the mural and it is now scheduled to be made on April 2017.

3. And the journey doesn't end here. The IA 2019 cohort the proceeded to make a gallery about the all the problems each pair had investigated. We then worked for weeks to organize the gallery we named "Revienta tu burbuja", meaning burst your bubble, to make people really think about the problems out in their city, to create awareness and share our work. For this, with the photography skills we had acquired throughout the semester, took pictures that showed or represented the investigated problem. (Camila's and my pictures are below, each with an explanation behind the message).

4. And, you guessed it, the journey doesn't end there either! We were then offered to have an outside of school professional exhibition to show the entire city what we had done. We were contacted by a the father of a girl in our school, who owns galleries, said that he was amazed and that he wanted to help us spread the word. We then organized yet another gallery that had to be completely modified from the last one and after a few weeks opened it in Fugaz, Callao Monumental, Lima, Peru. 

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